"This rally will tell the world... that we still remember the Tiananmen Square"

Friday, June 5, 2009

Yesterday, tens of thousands of people gathered in a Hong Kong park. It was a peaceful gathering. No fights broke out, and aside from a few reports in news outlets not backed by China, not much has been heard about the event since.

But the message was clear

On June 4th, 1989, the Chinese Communist government sent its military forces to attack its own people. The attack was unwarranted. All the people wanted was democracy, freedom of speech, and freedom of thought, as enjoyed by most modern civilization. Not only that, but the protests have remained peaceful. That is, of course, until tanks drove into Tiananmen Square, and the noise of gun fire rose all over the city.

Over 2,600 died in the initial attack, but even to this day the Chinese government still denied any wrong doing. Big mistake. Now, 20 years later, as technology become more and more advance, more and more people know what happened in Tiananmen Square. For example, the BBC News Broadcast of the Tiananmen Square incident can now be accessed on youtube.

When I see this news, I can't help but think about the double standards our leaders play on our countries. Just a few years back, we raised a war against Iraq, and executed Saddam Hussein for crimes against his people. But not even Saddam Hussein sent tanks to massacre his own people. Nor did he kill thousands of people in demonstration of his power. But we turn a blind eye against China, and allow its leader to violate its people's rights and freedom...even to this day.

Maybe one day China will become a democratic country. Maybe the people will finally enjoy the freedom we now enjoy. But it will only happen if everyone wants it to happen. So as you are reading this blog today, please do me a favor, and do the people of China a favor, by letting everyone know about what happened. If everyone demands for change, the government will have no choice but to give it.


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